The George 200 Club
Join the George 200 Club and help our ‘Gilding the Building’ costs!
Whilst the full restoration costs of the building have been secured, we have had to make cost savings in other areas to meet overall targets. Profit from the 200 club will go towards the cost of bringing back some of the original specification such as real wooden floors and resurfacing of the beer garden. We call it ‘Gilding the Building’.
By contributing £5 per month (or more) you will have the chance to win cash prizes and… potentially raise £6000 for the George every year!
What is the 200 Club?
As a Community Benefit Society, The George 200 Club is open to society members, family, friends, and supporters of the Pub. The Club has a maximum of 200 members and is managed by The George Management Committee. Members must be over 16 years old to join and pay by standing order monthly or annually.
How does it work?
Entry tickets are £5 per month; individual applicants can buy up to 4 tickets. The Club pays out as follows on the last day of the month:
- 1st prize £250
- 2nd prize £100
- 3rd prize £50.
In December of 2024, in lieu of the normal prizes, the 200 club will pay:
- 1st prize £500
- 2nd prize £200
- 3rd prize £100
Prizes are offered on a pro-rata basis until all 200 shares in the Lottery have been taken up. For example, if only 50 shares (or tickets) are sold at the date of the first monthly draw then only a quarter of the prize money will be paid.
The winning numbers will be published on The George Community Pub website after each draw has taken place and we will credit winning ticket holders either by cheque or electronically into their bank account.
How do I join?
You must complete our application form and return it to us. You can set up your standing order online or you can complete the bank mandate form and send it to your bank for processing.
You will receive an email reply confirming your ticket number/s in due course. Also, please note we must receive your monthly subscription before the draw takes place otherwise your numbers will not be included and please ensure that your payment date on the bank mandate is set to the first of each month.
200 Club Application Form 200 Club Bank Mandate 200 Club Rules