Share launch event – 12th May


SATURDAY 12 MAY 2018 on the Hill.

Please join us for 20 minutes at midday, Saturday 12 May on the Market Hill where we will be having a big share launch photograph.

If we are to achieve our aim of restoring the Pub we need to show as much support as possible. This is an opportunity to show everyone that we care about our village and that if no one else can take responsibility for the building, then we will!

See you on the Hill on the 12th May at Midday. There’s a free drinks voucher for everyone that joins us (redeemable when the pub opens).

By selling shares we are raising funds to buy and restore the old George pub. Every Wickham Market household will receive a share offer document and application form to buy shares. Please consider investing in the George and by doing so you will be part owner of a fantastic community owned facility.

Shares will be available to purchase for 6 weeks after the launch on 12 May.

The prospectus and application form will also soon be available for download on the web site.