Our achievements so far
Five years have elapsed since the Society’s inception, in which time our community has accomplished so much of which to be proud of. Below are our achievements listed each year:
- Formed a new User Group which will represent future users of the pub, supporting and advising the Management Committee on decisions affecting the look, feel and use of The George.
- Applied for and been awarded matched equity investment of £50,000 from the Architectural Heritage Fund supported by the Community Share Booster Scheme.
- Launched our second Community Share Offer with a minimum £225,000 target.
- Achieved four further grants, bringing the total to six grants in this stage totalling £23,000
- Held two successful Quiz Nights in July and October, raising £1,600.
- Led the Wickham Market Heritage Art Project which was unveiled in October. All paintings are on our hoardings in George Lane.
- Re-publicised the share offer. At the end of 2022 this stands at c£180,000 and a total now of 440 shareholders.
- Completed an acoustic survey where the noise levels outside the George were measured continuously for 7 days
- Pumped out the cellar
- Delivered the latest layouts (RIBA Stage 3) to all 13 nearest neighbours to the George for their review and comment.
- Produced the following Key Documents
- a Conservation Management Plan to provide baseline information for the renovation and future management of the existing fire damaged building.
- a Management and Maintenance Plan to identify, programme and cost an inspection and maintenance schedule to ensure the continued good condition of the building and its historic fabric
- a Sustainability Toolbox to identify where environmental and sustainable improvements have been considered fully and where practicable improvements have been included within the RIBA 3 design and/or committed to as an action to develop during RIBA Stage 4 technical design.
- Conducted a share pledge campaign.
- Completed several surveys and reports to support the Planning application. They include, Access Report, Acousticians Report, Drainage Survey, Noise and Odour survey
- Submitted and received approval of Full and Listed Building Consent Planning applications
- Completed the Project Development Stage (National Lottery Heritage Fund Round 1)
- Applied for and been awarded a grant from Cooperatives UK/AHF/Community Share Booster towards preparing and launching our second share offer in early 2022
- Applied for and been awarded the Round 2 (Delivery) Heritage Enterprise grant of £988,200 from The National Lottery Heritage Fund
- Undertaken a review of the ‘Saving the George’ website and implemented changes and updates.
- Prepared a programme of community events for the Development phase (unfortunately currently affected by COVID-19 measures).
- Continued Committee meetings and the Society’s business (by Zoom.) during the COVID-19 crisis.
- Obtained additional partnership/match-funding for the Development Phase from the Architectural Heritage Fund in the form of a Project Development Grant under their Transforming Heritage programme. This and awaited contributions via our councillors from Suffolk County and East Suffolk Council will complete our match funding of the Heritage Fund Grant.
- Started recruiting (via competitive tenders and interviews in accordance with Heritage Fund rules) the professional team that will assist and support us throughout the project. Our first appointment was of Project Manager’s Greenwood Projects,.
- Recruited (via competitive tenders and interviews in accordance with Heritage Fund Rules) the professional team that will assist and support us throughout the Project. It includes Greenwoods Projects Ltd for project management, Castons for Cost Management and Quantity Surveying, Purcell for Lead Designers, Alix Slater Consultancy and Training & Studio Eger for Heritage Interpretation Planning, Activities and Evaluation.
- Following the Project Plan, the conceptual designs have been developed to meet the twin requirements of retaining and restoring as much of the heritage material as possible and having a layout which supports a welcoming and successful community pub.
- The space behind the main buildings has been cleared and made safe, and over a 2-day period was used as a pop-up-pub and an opportunity to display the conceptual designs to the community (within Covid 19 limitations) for their review and comment. This was a successful consultation and social event and, as allowed by Covid-19 Rules, is a model for regular future activities in that space.
- To help visitors learn and understand the heritage significance, and historical and cultural importance, of the George Studio Eger produced a document, ‘Interpretation Planning Framework’ to consider the options on how they could be interpreted and presented. From that an on-line survey was created and conducted and a report produced, ‘Findings from Public Consultation on Interpretation Themes and Heritage Activities’.
- On line survey to capture views on what the community would like the George to be when it is operational, covering food, drink and activities. The results of the survey were included in a report, ‘George e-Survey – Analysis of Results’
- A bat survey and asbestos survey have been carried out with no difficulties found.
- Water which has been lying in the cellar since the fire 7 years ago has been sampled so it can be disposed of in order to inspect the cellar.
- The hoarding has been completed along the front of the building ready for the addition of artwork and use as a highly visual information presentation on the history and future of the building.
- Recruitment of additional specialists to assist in taking forward the detailed design required for planning application has been completed. They include Civil & Structural Engineer, Mechanical & Electrical Engineer, Access Consultant and Acoustician.
- Hand delivered a Christmas card and questionnaire to all the households in the village to ensure that our plans continue to consider the wishes and needs of the community – The George’s future customers. The results of the survey were produced as a report ‘Analysis of the December 2020 Consultation’.
- Consulted Society Members on whether a second Heritage Fund application should be made. This was overwhelmingly approved.
- Prepared, again with relevant professional assistance, and submitted the second application to the National Lottery Heritage Fund for £82,100 Round 1 (Development Phase) funding and estimated costs for Round 2 (Delivery Phase) funding of £989,200.
- Held our second Members Annual Meeting
- On learning our application had been successful publicised the award and the contribution of the Heritage Fund and National Lottery players through the press, including East Anglian Daily Times coverage and a BBC Radio Suffolk interview and news coverage.
- By way of thanks to all our supporters, organised a highly successful and enjoyable Celebratory Event, with speeches by our MP, Dr Dan Poulter, and County Councillor, Alexander Nicoll, and music from our ‘house band’, The Biscuit Brothers
- In December, obtained Heritage Fund’s Permission to Start our Project Development Phase; the design and assessment process will take us to the point where we apply for the ear-marked Round 2 funding to help make The George Community Pub a reality.
- Prepared and launched, and obtained funding (from AHF, SCDC, The Hive) for a first Community Share Launch and Issue, which was subscribed to by some 350 individuals, the majority of whom live in or near to Wickham Market. This included obtaining a Community Share Standard Mark from The Power to Change Community Share Booster. The share issue raised nearly £130,000 which has helped us purchase The George and continues to support our efforts to re-open The George for the community. Members (and other supporters) have continued to demonstrate their support by making pledges to buy shares when our second share issue opens in 2021. You can do the same.
- Prepared, with professional support, and submitted an application to the National Heritage Lottery Fund (Now National Lottery Heritage Fund for the majority of the funding necessary to reconstruct the historic George as a community pub under their Heritage Enterprise Scheme.
- Held varied, well-attended and enjoyable events for the whole community.
- Negotiated and, once having ensured viability and secured the necessary funds, carried out the purchase of the pub from the owner, who had proposed its demolition, for a sum of £40,000 – much less than he had paid for it at auction in 2014.
- Insured, and confirmed the structural integrity and safety of the building. The Society continues to ensure the latter by regular safety inspections.
- Held a well-attended Members Annual Meeting.
- After learning that our Heritage Lottery Fund application had been unsuccessful, liaised with the Fund to learn lessons to assist with a potential second application.
- Liaised with Suffolk Coastal District Council Conservation and Planning Officers to ensure that our proposals are acceptable. To date, we have their full support. which has included grant support for essential building safety inspections.
- Joined Community Action Suffolk , Locality, My Community, Heritage Trust Network, The Community Pub Network.
- Applied for and secured grants totalling £11,050 from the Architectural Heritage Fund(AHF), More Than A Pub, Plunkett Foundation, Suffolk County Council (SCC), and Suffolk Coastal District Council (SCDC, now East Suffolk Council) to carry out our feasibility study for the Project.
- Identified (through our Grants team) and made initial approaches to appropriate potential grant funders to meet project development and delivery costs. We continue to keep in contact with, and seek out new, potential funders.
- Drawn up a preliminary building specification based on the consultation to deliver the facilities most requested by the community.
- Held a ‘pop-up pub’ information event during which a progress report and feedback from the questionnaire was presented followed by a vigorous Q&A session. From this we have established a ‘Friends of The George Group’ for improved direct communication with the community. Contact us if you would like to become a Friend.
- Commissioned architects Nicholas Jacob Architects to draw up conceptual designs and quantity surveyors Daniel Connal Partnership to prepare costing estimates for the reconstruction of The George.
- Commissioned Community Action Suffolk to prepare a Social Impact Assessment for the Project.
- Commissioned specialist Chartered Surveyors Christie & Co to prepare ‘before and after’ RICS-certified valuations and assess the commercial viability of a re-opened George.
- Made plans for a series of varied ‘fun’ events to further engage with the whole community.
- Carried out and reported on full Feasibility and AHF Project Viability studies.
- After a Parish Council led meeting, formed a Project Group to look at ways of saving The George as Wickham Market’s pub.
- Joined the Plunkett Foundation, who have assisted other communities with finance and professional advice to secure and manage community pubs. They have given support to us (and continue to support us), including:
- Meetings with and advice from specialist Plunkett Advisors Phil Harriss and Alan Collard
- A study visit to the Kings Arms (Shouldham) – a, then, already highly successful community pub.
- A ‘More Than A Pub’ bursary award.
- Undertaken a community consultation by means of a questionnaire to which we received 572 individual responses, approximately one third of the adult population of Wickham Market.
- In December, become incorporated as a Community Benefit Society
- Supported Wickham Market Parish Council’s nomination of the George as an Asset of Community Value (ACV). It was listed, as such by SCDC in January 2017, strengthening the continuance of the George as a public house and giving the community the right to buy if the present owner had put the pub on the market.
To keep up-to-date with progress check out our ‘News blog’ and ‘Facebook’ page regularly. If you are not already a Society Member but want to receive e-mail updates, join the ‘Friends of The George’. Otherwise contact us